What is Artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer (or machine) that is programmed to think, perceive, sense and act so as to accomplish tasks associated with human intelligence (or tasks done by human beings). Some of the applications of AI are self driving cars, robotic arms, Computer vision (like face detector, traffic cameras), expert system, price / stock price / loan prediction to mention but few.

python dictionary

A dictionary is an unordered and changeable sequence datatype that stores mappings of unique keys to values. Dictionary does not allow duplicates. Dictionaries elements are stored within curly brackets ({}), including key-value pairs separated by commas (,). In a dictionary, you can add, change or remove elements, also you can loop, copy and nest a dictionary.



# a python program to display the position number (key) and reward (value)

# using dictionary

position = {

    1 : "Gold",

    2 : "Silver",

    3 : "Bronze"




#display the 2 value of the dictionary

print(position[2])      #output: Silver



# a python program to display the position number (key) and reward and cash prize (values)

# using dictionary

position_data = {

    1 : "Gold, #500000",

    2 : "Silver, #250000",

    3 : "Bronze, #125000"



#output: {1: 'Gold, #500000', 2: 'Silver, #250000', 3: 'Bronze, #125000'}


#display the 1 value of the dictionary

print(position_data[1])         #output: Gold, #500000


#display the keys of the dictionary

print(position_data.keys())       #output: dict_keys([1, 2, 3])



mykey = position_data.keys()



#display the length of the dictionary

print(len(position_data))       #output: 3


#display the datatype of the dictionary

print(type(position_data))       #output: <class 'dict'>




# a python program to display the country name (key) and capital (value)

# using dictionary


country = {

    "Nigeria" : "Abuja",

    "Ghana" : "Accra",

    "South Africa" : "Pretoria"





#display the South Africa value of the dictionary

print(country["South Africa"])      #output: Pretoria


#display a new view of the dictionary

print(country.items())      #output: Pretoria


#display the first N key-value pairs and above

y =  list(country.items())[:1]      # test 0, 1, 2

print(y)                           #output: [('Nigeria', 'Abuja')]



# a python program to display the continent (key)

# total countries in each continent (value)

# using dictionary



continent_data = {

    "Asia" : 48,

    "Africa" : 54,

    "Antarctica" : 0,

    "Australia" : 6,

    "Europe" : 50,

    "North America" : 23,

    "South America" : 12





# a country in each continent

# a python program to display the country name (key)

# country features such as capital, GDP (as at 2021), population, ethnic groups (values)

# using dictionary

# storing list inside a dictionary


country_data = {

    "India" : "New Delhi, 3.176 trillion USD (2021), 1.408 billion, 2000+",

    "Nigeria" : "Abuja, 440.8 billion USD, 213.4 million, 250+",

    "Research_Station_In_Antarctica" : "Maitri and Dakshin Gangotri",

    "Austrialia" : "Canberra, 1.553 trillion USD, 25.69 million , 270+",

    "United_Kingdom" : "London, 3.131 trillion USD, 67.33 million, 19",

    "USA" : "Washington DC, 23.32 trillion USD, 450 million, 6",

    "Brazil" : "Brasília, 1.609 trillion USD, 214.3 million, 305+ ",

    "independence_year": [1947, 1960, "", 1901, 1776,  1776, 1822]






# a python program to display my details # using dictionary

# search and print matching key-value pairs

# concepts applied: for loop statement to iterate,

# if statememnt to check condition

#str python datatype to convert dict datatype of value to string


myDetails = {

    "Name" : "Ajala Theophilus",

    "Favourite_color" : "Blue",

    "Youtube_handle" : "dmactutor",

    "Website" : "whitepaceblog.blogspot.com",

    "Age" : 18,

    "Area_of_interest" : "Data science, Machine Learning, Web Application, Mobile Application"


# display all dictionary elements



# print key-value pair that meets the condition of value starting with "dm"

# indentation is very important to adhere to in python when using 'for' and 'if' keywords

for mykey, myvalue in myDetails.items():

    if str(myvalue).startswith('dm'):

        print(mykey, myvalue)               #Output: Youtube_handle dmactutor





Using python dictionary and list sequence datatypes to create a question and answer system


#Question Base

QnA = {

    "Do you experience high temperature": [

        "yes", "no"


    "Do you have dry cough": [

        "yes", "no"


    "Do you experience moderate temperature": [

        "yes", "no"


    "Do you have chest pain": [

        "yes", "no"


    "Do you experience headache": [

        "yes", "no"




print("Hi! I am Whitepace Expert.\n\nYou can be diagnosed here at no charges!\nI will ask you 5 questions.\n")

for question, options in QnA.items():

    selected_answer = options[0]

    sorted_options = sorted(options)

    #enumerate shows the index of each option

    for label, option in enumerate(sorted_options):

        print(f"  {label}) {option}")

    answer_label = int(input(f"{question}? "))

    answer = sorted_options[answer_label]


QnA = {

    "Do you experience high temperature": [

        "yes", "no"


    "Do you have dry cough": [

        "yes", "no"


    "Do you experience moderate temperature": [

        "yes", "no"


    "Do you have chest pain": [

        "yes", "no"


    "Do you experience headache": [

        "yes", "no"




print("Hi! I am Whitepace Expert.\n\nYou can be diagnosed here at no charges!\nI will ask you 5 questions.\n")

for question, options in QnA.items():

    selected_answer = options[0]

    sorted_options = sorted(options)

    #enumerate shows the index of each option

    for label, option in enumerate(sorted_options):

        print(f"  {label}) {option}")

    mapSelectedAnswer = []

    answer_label = int(input(f"{question}? "))

    answer = sorted_options[answer_label]


    if answer == selected_answer:

        for xcount in range(0, answer_label):

        # delcare a variable stores an empty list, add user input to the list


    print('\nYou select:: ', mapSelectedAnswer)


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