By standard, there are three (3) ways to write codes in any programming language, most especially
the ones that support Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
The first is
using simple logic approach or methodology (that involves using simple variables
and datatypes).
The second is
using procedure or function approach or methodology (this allows you to reuse
your code without recreating a new one).
The third is
class and object approach or methodology (this
merges both simple logic and procedure approach into a single item). OOP is a methodology which helps to simplify and design a software program using classes,
objects, procedure / function, variables, datatypes and other OOP concepts like
inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, abstraction, data binding, data
hiding, interface / methods. We also have concepts like aggregation, association,
composition, cohesion, and coupling. The third approach is used in the software
A class is a user-defined datatype, blueprint and/or template for creating objects and for defining / describing what an object will look like. Class consist of attributes or member variables and implementation of behaviour or member functions. Object is an instance of the class.
Class: class is a blueprint or template for creating and managing objects, providing initial values for state (member variables or attributes), and implementations of behavior (member functions or methods). The user-defined objects are created using the class keyword. Class acts as a pointer to an object. Object: object is an instance created from a particular class. Object allocates memory when it is created and it can be created many times.
Syntax to declare a class in Pascal
type className =
object //method or
field declarations; //procedure or
function declarations; end; |
TIP: Don’t put
semicolon at the end of the className declaration. Object is a keyword use for declaring a class.
Let us
demonstrate these approaches by writing and running a pascal program to compute
the average of three courses for a student. The program will accept the scores
of the user and display the average in the nearest whole number.
TIP: We are solving a problem using three different approaches with same result
// Simple logic approach |
AvgCourses; //declare
variables var csc401,
csc402, csc403 : integer; average :
real; begin //user action
and accept input writeln ('Insert the score of three
courses'); readln(csc401, csc402, csc403); //process the
formula average :=
(csc401 + csc402 + csc403) / 3; //display
output to the nearest whole number writeln('The
average of three courses is:: ', average:0:0) end. |
approach |
AvgCourses; //declare
variables var c1, c2, c3 :
integer; average :
real; //create the
procedure and pass your parameters - avg, csc401, csc402, csc403 procedure xavg
(var avg:real; csc401:integer; csc402:integer; csc403:integer); begin //process the
formula avg := (csc401
+ csc402 + csc403) / 3; end; //start main begin //user action
and accept input writeln ('Insert the score of three
courses'); readln(c1, c2, c3); //call the
procedure and pass your arguments xavg(average,
c1, c2, c3); //display
output to the nearest whole number writeln('The
average of three courses is:: ', average:0:0); end. |
//class and
object approach |
AvgCourses; //create the
class type avgrec =
object //do not put semicolon (;)
here //declare
memebers (variables) for the class csc401,
csc402, csc403 : integer; //create a variable for the procedure to handle input and output procedure getinput; procedure setoutput; end; //create
procedure to handle user action and accept input procedure
avgrec.getinput; begin writeln
('Insert the score of three courses'); readln(csc401,
csc402, csc403); end; //create
procedure to handle display of output procedure
avgrec.setoutput; var average :
real; begin average :=
(csc401 + csc402 + csc403) / 3; writeln('The
average of three courses is:: ', average:0:0); end; //start main var //create an instance (object) of the class r1 : avgrec; begin r1.getinput; r1.setoutput; end. |
HINT: A class is a way of organizing information about a type of data so a programmer can reuse elements when making multiple instances of that data type—for example, r1 is an instance of avgrec. We can create more instances or objects from the class avgrec.
Check greatest
using AND, OR operator //pascal
program to return the largest number among three initialized numbers program maxNumber; var a, b, c,
result : integer; begin a := 50; b := 70; c := 93; if (a>b) then result := a //store the value of 'a' in result, if a is greater than b else result :=b; if (c>result)then result := c; //display the output writeln ('The greatest among the three
numbers is:: ', result); end. |
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