Fact: As architectural design precedes building a house so does SYNTAX precedes programming or coding. 

Invariably, you must learn and master the syntax of each construct in a programming language such as variable declaration, initialization, data structure manipulation, loop, selection statement to mention but few, before you start writing the code to solve a problem through the syntax application.

What are data structures?

Data structures are structures or formats used to organize, store, access, modify and manipulate data elements. The type of problem you are solving will determine the type of data structure you will use.

Datatypes in C++

The datatypes in C++ are categorized as:

Primitive: They are inbuilt datatypes within C++ and can only store one value at a time; such as int, string, float, double, char, boolean, void

Derived: They are made up of the primitive datatypes and they can store more than one value; such as array, function, pointer, reference.

User defined datatype: They are customized datatypes created by the programmer in the course of solving a problem; such as class and object, struct (structure), typedef, enum, union,

Category of data structures

Linear data structures: data elements are arranged in a sequential manner. Examples are arrays, stacks, linked list, queues, hash table (just like dictionary in Python).

Non-linear data structures: data elements are not arranged in a sequential manner but they are arranged at different levels. Examples are graphs, trees, heap

The section below will give a detail overview of each data structures in C++ with program examples.


Array is a linear data structure that uses one variable to store or hold multiple data elements with the same datatype.

Terms use in array

array element: it represent the data in the array

array size: it determines the total element in an array

array index: it is use for specifying the position of each or any particular element in the array

square bracket: it does double function, it is used to wrap array size and is also used to wrap array index.

Types of array

One dimensional array (1D array)

Two dimensional array (2D array)

Multi dimensional array (N array)

One dimensional array (1D array)


The image above indicate a 1D array, on the left, we have three (3) integer elements while on the right we have two (2) string elements stored in the array respectively in a sequential order.

array declaration

datatype arrayName[arraySize];

example: int score[3];

array initialization

arrayName[arraySize] = value;

example: int score[0] = 5 //store value 5 in the first position of the array

array declaration and initialization (2-in-1)

datatype arrayName[arraySize] = {value1, value2,...,valueN};

example: string fruits[2] = {"apple", "mango"};

aliter (without specifying the array size, the C++ compiler will count the elements in the curly brace to determine the array size)

example: string fruits[] = {"apple", "mango"};

Printing the output of an array

We print the output of the array by traversing the array elements. This means you can visit the elements one by one using the array index, or any order you want, depending on the condition being specified.

To print the elements stored in an array, you can use simple for loop, ranged for loop or iterator.


1. Declare a 1D array of 7 float elements for cgpa variable    

answer: float cgpa[7];

2. Declare a 1D float elements array cgpa variable and store three (3) different cgpas

answer: float[3] = {3.2, 4.5, 4.99};

3. Declare an array of 250 character elements for comment variable

answer: char comment[250];

Two dimensional array (2D array)

array declaration

datatype arrayName[rowSize][columnSize];

example: int stdgrade[4][2];

this above example will store 4*2 elements that is, 8 elements.


1. Declare a 2D array of integers for 4 student names and 2 scores each    

answer: int stdgrade[4][2];

2. Write a runnable C++ program using 1D array to store the scores of ten(1) students and print their names using ranged for loop. You should also print the fifth and ninth element in the array container.


Phase 1

Problem: A non-interactive program using array to store and display four different integer elements

top-down analysis (Algorithm)

step 1: declare and initialize an array integer variable score to store four (4) different elements

step 2: use for loop and declare integer variable xcount to traverse the userfruit from index 0 to N-1. userfruits[xcount] for user action.

step 4: use index to print a particular element in the array

step 4: use for loop to print the initialized scores



using namespace std;

int main(){

//declare and initialize array with 4 elements

int score[4] = {80, 87, 93, 90};


//int score[] = {80, 87, 93, 90};

//access the third element

cout<<"\nThe third element is:: "<<score[2]<<endl;

//output headline or title

cout<<"\nAll the elements in the array are:: ";

//process the display of all elements using loop

for(int xcount = 0; xcount<3; xcount++){

cout<<"\nScore: "<<score[xcount];        


//cout<<score[xcount]<<" ";


return 0;



HINT: In int score[] = {80, 87, 93, 90}; you might decide not to specify the array size, here, the compiler will automatically count the number of elements in the curly brace and determine the array size. 

In cout<<score[xcount]<<" "; each number will be displayed with a space in between the progression.

Phase 2

Problem: A non-interactive program using array to store and display three different string object elements



using namespace std;

int main(){

//declare and initialize array with 4 elements

string fruits[3] = {"apple", "watermelon", "mango"};

//access the first element

cout<<"\nThe first element is:: "<<fruits[0]<<endl;

//output headline or title

cout<<"\nAll the elements in the array are:: ";

//process the display of all elements using loop

for(int xcount = 0; xcount<3; xcount++){

cout<<"\nFruit: "<<fruits[xcount];


return 0;


Phase 3

Problem: An interactive program using array to read, store and display N elements entered by the user

top-down analysis (Algorithm)

step 1: declare integer variable ncount for number of elements to read

step 2: declare integer variable usefruit with maximum size of your choice, here we use 100 (you can use any other value)

step 3: use for loop and declare integer variable xcount to traverse the userfruit from index 0 to N-1. userfruits[xcount] for user action.

step 4: show how the userinput increases by 1 (xcount + 1)

step 5: use for loop to print the fruits entered by the user.



using namespace std;

int main(){

int ncount;

string userfruits[100];

//first user action

cout<<"\nEnter the total number of elements:: ";


cout<<"You entered "<<ncount<<" elements"<<endl;

//second user action

for(int xcount = 0; xcount<ncount; xcount++){

cout<<"Enter fruit "<<xcount+1<<" ::";



//output headline or title

cout<<"\nAll the elements in the array are:: ";

//process the display of all elements using loop

for(int xcount = 0; xcount<ncount; xcount++){

cout<<"\nFruit: "<<userfruits[xcount];


return 0;



Phase 4

Problem: An interactive program using array to read, store and display N elements entered by the user, then find the total

top-down analysis (Algorithm)

step 1: declare integer variable ncount for number of elements to read

step 2: declare integer variable userinput with maximum size of your choice, here we use 100

step 3: declare integer variable sum and initialize it to 0. The sum will store sum of elements of array

step 4: use for loop and declare integer variable xcount to traverse the userinput from index 0 to N-1\

step 5: show how the userinput increases by 1 (xcount + 1)

step 6: for any index xcount, add the value of element at index xcount to sum. sum = sum + userinput[xcount]

step 7: display the variable sum



using namespace std;

int main(){

int ncount, sum;

int userinput[100];

//first user action

cout<<"Enter the total number of elements:: ";


cout<<"You entered "<<ncount<<" elements<<endl";

//second user action

for(int xcount = 0; xcount<ncount; xcount++){

cout<<"Enter value "<<xcount+1<<" ::";



//initialize sum

sum = 0;

//process the summation of all elements using loop

for(int xcount = 0; xcount<ncount; xcount++){

sum += userinput[xcount];


//output headline or title or descriptive statement

cout<<"\nThe sum of the elements in the array are:: "<<sum;

return 0;



HINT: You can find average of the numbers outside the loop by using float average = (float) sum / ncount; The (float) before sum help to typecase the integer variable sum,


In this section, we will learn how to work with 2-dim array.

Phase 5

Problem: Use an array data structure to write a runnable C++ program to read and print the position and points of four (4) premier league teams namely: Manchester City, Chelsea, Brentford and Southampton for 2022-23 season. Use escape sequence to format the table outlook, let there be a header, position should be left justified and point should be right justified.


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

 //row is 4, then 4-1 = 3, hence r =3; while the table will have two columns, hence c=2

   int premier[3][2];

   int totalteam = 4;   


   for (int xcount=0; xcount<totalteam; xcount++) {

       cout<<"\n Enter position and points for 4 teams:: ";





  //output header



   // displaying output

   for(int xcount=0; xcount<totalteam; xcount++){




    return 0;



Phase 6

Problem: Write a runnable C++ program that will read and save two (2) test scores (course 1, course 2) for four (4) students in a 2D array and then output the data in a table.

create an array of strings of size 4 called numofstd[], initialize the array with any students of your choice.

create a 2D array of integers of 4 rows and 2 columns called numofscore[][]. Read in the scores for each student. Each row for this array will contain the test scores for each student. For example, Student Names Course 1 Course 2; while scores will be contained in stdscore[0][0], stdscore[0][1] and so on.

In nested for loops, print the names of the students along with their scores. The student names should be left justified and the test scores should be right justified.


#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip> //to handle setw() set width

using namespace std;

int main() {

//declare constant values for the total elements using const keyword

const int numofstd = 4, numofscore = 2;

int stdscore[numofstd][numofscore];

//declare and initialize the array

string stdname[numofstd] = {"dmactutor", "togun oreoluwa", "david nathan", "biola ajala"};

//loop through array using nested for loop for user action to read the score

cout<<"Enter the score of the student:: "<<endl;

for(int xcount = 0; xcount<numofstd; xcount++){

for(int ycount = 0; ycount<numofscore; ycount++){




//output table headers

cout<<"Student Names"<<"\tCourse 1"<<"\tCourse 2";


//loop through array using nested for loop to ouptut the names and grades in the table

for(int xcount = 0; xcount<numofstd; xcount++){



for(int ycount = 0; ycount<numofscore; ycount++){






    return 0;



Phase 7: Work in progress to handle student name and matric number. The table format is not generating what I want yet.


#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip> //to handle setw() set width

using namespace std;

int main() {

//declare constant values for the total elements using const keyword

//it represent 2 rows and 2 columns ## 2*2 = 4 data elements in that table

const int numofrow = 2, numofcol = 2;

string sdetail[numofrow][numofcol];

//loop through array using nested for loop for user action to read the name and matric of students

cout<<"Enter the name and matric of the student:: "<<endl;

for(int xcount = 0; xcount<numofrow; xcount++){

for(int ycount = 0; ycount<numofcol; ycount++){




//output table headers

cout<<"Student Names"<<"\tMatric Number";


//loop through array using nested for loop to ouptut the names and matric in the table

for(int xcount = 0; xcount<numofrow; xcount++){

for(int ycount = 0; ycount<numofcol; ycount++){


cout<<sdetail[xcount][ycount]<<"   "<<"\n";




    return 0;


PHASE 8: Demonstrating array as a fixed size container

Problem: Write a runnable C++ program using 1D array each to store the score and names of 3 students. Print their names and scores using loop. Then append two (2) student names and scores during the compilation of the program (HINT: to append, you should declare variables that will prompt the user to enter a value of their choice)

//demonstrating array as a fixed sized container



using namespace std;

int main(){

//array to store the names and scores of the students

//if you add five elements here and decide to append extra element, 

//the new elements will not be added because array is of fixed size

string names[5] = {"dmactutor", "david", "daniel"};

int scores[5] = {90, 91, 96};


cout<<"S/N \t\t Student Names\t Scores"<<endl;

//iterate the array and display first three elements

for(int xcount=0; xcount<3; xcount++){

//format the output

cout<<"Student "<<xcount+1 <<"\t" <<names[xcount]<<"\t\t" <<scores[xcount]<<endl;



//ask user to enter two extra scores

int s1, s2;

string n1, n2;

cout<<"Enter next name:: ";


cout<<"Enter first score:: ";


cout<<"Enter next name:: ";


cout<<"Enter second score:: ";


//append the two scores

names[3] = n1;

names[4] = n2;

scores[3] = s1;

scores[4] = s2;



cout<<"Newly Added information"<<endl;

//print the new scores


cout<<"S/N \t\t Student Names\t Scores"<<endl;

//iterate the array

for(int xcount=0; xcount<5; xcount++){

//format the output

cout<<"Student "<<xcount+1 <<"\t" <<names[xcount]<<"\t\t" <<scores[xcount]<<endl;


return 0;



phase 1:

Basic operations that can be performed on queue are insertion, display, deletion etc.

Problem: Write a C++ program using modular programming (modularization) to implement the basic operation of QUEUE such as insert, display and delete element. Also check for overflow and underflow conditions.

top-down analysis (algorithm)

NB: The main() body function will be the first to get executed in any C++ program, that is, that is where execution begins

step 1: import header files and set up C++ boiler plate code

step 2: declare array int queue[150], variables and initialize rear = -1, front = -1 indicate queue is empty just like sum = 0;

step 3: declare method xinsert(), xdisplay(), xdelete()

step 4: within main() function, display the options, declare and create switch statement where each method will be called based on the number selected by the user

step 5: outside the main() function, declare and create the functionalities for functions: xinsert(), xdisplay(), xdelete()

Explanation of functions: xinsert(), xdisplay(), xdelete() are stated below

functionality of xinsert() method  (insert element from the rear / back)

declare val variable to store inserted value

check queue is full or not

if queue is full display the message

hence, if queue is empty

pointer goes to first location

display user action and read inserted value into the queue from the rear side

finally, rear point to a location in the queue

functionality of xdisplay() method (print all elements in the queue)

check if queue is empty, if empty, display message that queue is empty

hence, if queue is not empty, use for loop to traverse the elements in the queue for printing

functionality of xdelete() method (delete element at the front)

check if front or rear of the queue is empty, if empty deletion cannot take place

if queue has element, deletion can take place


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int queue[150], n=150, front=-1, rear=-1;

void xinsert();

void xdisplay();

void xdelete();

int main() {

int choice;

//display menu option


cout<<"\tWeclcome to the QUEUE PAGE\n\n"<<endl;

cout<<"\t_________  MENU  __________\n\n";

cout<<"\t | --Press 1 to INSERT-- | "<<endl;

cout<<"\t | --Press 2 to DISPLAY-- | "<<endl;

cout<<"\t | --Press 3 for DELETE -- | "<<endl;

cout<<"\t | --Press 4 to EXIT APPLICATION-- | "<<endl;

      //display user action

cout<<"\n\t --Enter your choice-- | ";

//accept input


//menu to select


case 1:



case 2:



case 3:



case 4:

cout<<"\t --Thank You-- "<<endl;



system("cls");  //to clear the screen

cout<<"\t --Please check the selected option \n Try again-- "<<endl;

main(); //take control to the main body


    return 0;


void xinsert(){

//insert data

int val;

if(rear == n-1)

cout<<"queue is overflow"<<endl;




cout<<"Insert the element in queue:: "<<endl;



queue[rear] = val;




void xdisplay(){

//display data

if(front == -1)

cout<<"queue is empty"<<endl;


cout<<"Inserted elements in the queue are:: "<<endl;

for(int xcount=front; xcount<=rear;xcount++)

cout<<queue[xcount]<<" "<<endl;




void xdelete(){

//delete data

if(front == -1 || front > rear){

cout<<"queue is underflow";




cout<<"Deleted element in the queue is:: "<<endl;








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